Sipping a cup of coffee to beat the workplace air
conditioner on a chilly December winter morning, I admired the warmth of the
sun spread over the barren hills skirting around 8-9 blue paned corporate
buildings from my office window.
The hills took me back to my kindergarten where Jack
and Jill were a part of me. The poem was an all time favorite- A smile spread
across my lips as I went back to my desk a little indulged in reminiscence on those
sweet memories.
But now as I look back, I wonder why the poem was
written at all! Probably the rhyming was perfect and that was the only motive
but was that all for a five year old? .Probably Not..Let’s swing back to the
good old days……From the lenses of a five year old:
Beyond rhyming, it probably taught a few more
unstated lessons which were carried from the formative days into adulthood:
Do not venture out on your own in
unknown areas: Hills were unknown to Jack and Jill.
Jill being inexperienced followed Jack and tumbled down
Fright: Frightening facial expressions
Never ever climb the hill again: Broke
his crown was enough to scare!
As adults we unknowingly and unfortunately carry all the lessons learnt from our
formative days and they rule us for the rest of our lives until we decide to
change them.
Think about it:
Where did we pick up our ‘fear of the unknown”?
– Experienced this as one of the highest during my psychotherapy practicing days.
Where did we pick the fear of failure?- Another commonest one.
Where did we pick up despising imperfection?
Do you have the answers? Explore the little Jack and
Jill in you. There are plenty of them waiting to be understood.
And believe me, ---A poem can do this to -
Arachnophobia today is on the top most
list of phobias- Remember the poem--- Little Miss Muffet?
So, to set things straight, I have recreated the
Jack and Jill for you and me. Let’s sing along whenever in life we feel a little low or need a little push. A lil
pep is always welcome
and Jill went up the hill
fetch a pail of water
fell down, but didn’t let down
fuelled his grit thereafter!
Hurray!! Jill
was thrilled, that she learnt a skill:
down was part o’ game
down was such a shame!"
Get going..................recreate your story.
P.S: These are my personal views, not based on any